Guide to modifying WordPress version 4.5 with HTML pages

I am encountering issues with my Wordpress website. I have installed it on Softcald in cPanel and now I want to edit my Wordpress using HTML. However, I am having trouble finding the editing option. My Wordpress version is 4.5 and I have searched online for solutions, but the Wordpress interfaces seem different from mine. My website is using the Twenty Sixteen theme. How can I edit it using HTML? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Wordpress is a popular CMS (Content Management System) that provides pre-designed templates for users. To create a new HTML page, simply click on "Create new Page/Post." Depending on the template chosen, this will generate either a blog or webpage. If you're looking to change themes completely, navigate to appearance -> themes -> new themes.

To customize a design further, consider using FTP to create a child directory. You can learn more about how to do this by visiting this link.

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