Tips on incorporating animations into a class design?

I'm trying to figure out how to make an image disappear by adding a class

However, when I try this, the element vanishes without any animation

I'd like it to fade away slowly instead

I've heard there are CSS3 properties that can help achieve this effect, but I'm not sure which ones

Although I do know how to animate opacity in CSS, I prefer not to go that route


<img src="..." class="a">
<button onclick="make_img_disappear()">Click to disappear</button>


display: none;
/*these properties should enable the addition of a class with animation*/


function make_img_disappear(){

Answer №1

For an alternative to using javascript solutions, you may consider utilizing CSS transitions by adjusting properties such as opacity instead of display.

.hide {
  opacity: 0;
.a {
  transition: opacity 1s linear; /* remember vendor prefixes */

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, implement a function similar to this

function hide_image(){
    $( "img" ).animate({
        opacity: 0.25,
        left: "+=50",
        height: "toggle"
    }, 5000, function() {
        // Animation is now complete.


function hide_image(){

For further details, refer to the Animate documentation and the fade effects can be found here

Answer №3

Adding a class "slowly" is not an option, as it is already there for your use and can be removed at any time. It's similar to a question with the responses of true or false.

If you are using jQuery, it is recommended to utilize its capabilities like so:

$("img").fadeOut(); //By default, this animation lasts 400 milliseconds

You have the flexibility to specify the duration of the animation as well:

$("img").fadeOut(200); //Lasts for 200 milliseconds

To fade your object to a specific opacity level, you can use:

$("img").fadeTo(200, 0.2) //A 200 millisecond animation fading to an opacity of 0.2

Furthermore, in jQuery, you have the option to replace the duration with "slow" or "fast," where slow equates to 600 milliseconds and fast to 200 milliseconds. The default duration is set at 400 milliseconds.

If you wish to explore more on this topic, check out these resources:

If you are inclined towards utilizing CSS3, you may find these links helpful:

Refer to:

Also, take a look at this post: CSS3 transition fadein with display:none

Answer №4

Consider using .fadeOut method -

function hideImage(){

To learn more about the .fadeOut method, check out the documentation HERE

You can also achieve the same effect through CSS-

.hidden-image {
  visibility: hidden;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: visibility 0s 2s, opacity 2s linear;

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