Adjust iFrame to allow scrolling dynamically

I am currently facing a challenge with creating a non-scrollable iframe element using JavaScript. The function I need to call is within an iframe, and while it works on Firefox and Chrome, I also need it to work on Internet Explorer.

My solution involves changing the scroll bars of the parent iframe because I have jQuery tabs within the application that load in the same iframe. The issue arises when dealing with sub tabs, where only the sub iframe should be scrollable.

In Firefox and Chrome, setting overflow="hidden" and scrolling="no" on the parent iframe has resolved the issue.

Can anyone confirm if it's possible to dynamically control scrollbars on an iframe through JavaScript in Internet Explorer? Thanks, Luisa

Answer №1

When working with Internet Explorer, it is important to set the HTML frame displayed via iframe as "display:hidden" on the body. If you do not have access to the iframe (for example, if it is from another site), there may be limitations in terms of what you can control since all content is independent.

If setting the display attribute does not work, one potential workaround is nesting an iframe within another iframe and adjusting the dimensions of the second level down (the page being viewed through your initial site) to eliminate scroll bars at the initial view.

However, it should be noted that this approach is considered poor coding practice and is not recommended.

Could you provide more details so I can better understand whether you have access to the iframe or not?

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