Guidelines for dynamically passing HTML attribute values into a CSS selector using a variable in Protractor

After successfully locating the button on the row using its value stored in the "title" HTML attribute, I am now faced with the task of passing a dynamic value to this attribute. To achieve this, I have declared it as a variable. However, I am unsure about how to effectively pass this variable into the CSS Selector.

Below is the CSS Selector code in question:

btnMoreNewRole = element(by.css("//input[@title='Access']/ancestor::tr/td[16]"))

In the aforementioned CSS Selector, there is a need to pass the value of the HTML attribute title as a variable. Any assistance or guidance on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Here is an example for you to try:

const pageTitle = //Your dynamic page title

btnMoreRoleNew = element(by.xpath('//input[@title="'+pageTitle+'"]/ancestor::tr/td[16]'))

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