The CSS class name is not having any impact on the React.js components

Struggling with CSS integration in ReactJS? That's the issue I've been facing while working on a project involving Rails and ReactJS. Despite implementing styles in my JSX files, nothing seems to change visually. Take a look at what my App.jsx file contains:

import React from "react";
import styles from "./styles.css";

export default class Register extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <div className={styles.container}>
        <h1> this text should appear to the right </h1>

In my accompanying styles.css file, the code looks like this:

.container {

Despite using webpack as well, it seems like my CSS isn't being applied correctly on the JSX components. It has been quite a struggle trying to find a solution, even after searching for answers online. Could anyone shed some light on why the CSS styling is not reflecting in my React components?

As an additional reference point, here is how my "config/webpack/development.js" file is structured:

process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'

const environment = require('./environment')

module.exports = environment.toWebpackConfig()

Answer №1

The way in which the classNames are loaded depends on the settings of the webpack loader. If you are utilizing thecss-loader configured in react-scripts (specifically as of version 1.1.5), then the classNames will be loaded with the option{modules: false}, meaning they are global styles that can be referenced as strings in JSX code:

import "./styles.css";
... className="container" ...

Alternatively, you have the option to load local styles using the following CSS-file syntax:

:local .container {...

You can also adjust your webpack.config.js accordingly (refer to for detailed documentation on the various available options).

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