Automatically change a text based on its location

Currently leveraging the amazing flexible-nav to showcase the current subtopic within my post.

I am also considering the possibility of extracting this current-string and showcasing it at the top of the page in my main navigation bar. This way, the text would dynamically change as I scroll and as the flexible-nav updates.

Appreciate any help! Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

It is recommended to make modifications to the flexible-nav.js file by appending code to the expanded version and minifying it afterwards.

To implement this change, insert the following lines of code after line 208 in flexible-nav.js (i.e. closest && closest.node.addClass('current');).

var doc_title = closest.node.html();

This code dynamically updates the title as you scroll down the page. While I couldn't locate a callback function in the script, this solution should work effectively.

Feel free to substitute $("title") with any jQuery selector you prefer in the provided code snippet.

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