When attempting to open a popup form by clicking a button, the code fails to function on IE6

Everything seems to be running smoothly on Firefox, however I am encountering issues with Internet Explorer 6. Here is a snippet of the problematic code:

document.getElementById('layout').style.opacity = .7
document.getElementById('layout').style.display = "block"

Answer №1

To ensure compatibility with IE 6, you can use the following code:

filter: alpha(opacity=70);

It is important to note that supporting IE 6 should only be considered if absolutely necessary.


As suggested by Joeytje50, you may also want to include the -ms-filter attribute:

-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)";

The filter attribute applies to all versions of Internet Explorer, while -ms-filter is specifically for IE8 and newer versions.

According to msdn.microsoft.com: The -ms-filter attribute is an extension to CSS, serving as an equivalent to filter in IE8 Standards mode. When using -ms-filter, remember to enclose the progid in single or double quotes and separate multiple values with commas.

Answer №2

To start, you must use JavaScript code to determine the browser type

var browser = navigator.appName //get Browser name 

After that, adjust the opacity based on the specific browser

if(browser == "Netscape")  //For mozilla firefox
document.getElementById('layout').style.opacity = .7;   

if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
document.getElementById('layout').style.filter:alpha(opacity=70); /* IE 5-7 */
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)";

For more information, feel free to check out my blog

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