Issues have arisen in IE8 with the background gradient on hover elements in the menu, while it functions properly in all other web browsers

Welcome to the website:

I've recently taken on a project involving the gradiated menu on this site. The menu works flawlessly in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari - the hover effect changes the background color to a light gradiated green. However, when it comes to IE8 and IE9, all submenu elements end up with the same light green gradiated background.

If you'd like to see how it appears in IE8, check out this link: Here's a snapshot in IE8

I am struggling to make Internet Explorer behave the same way as other browsers and can't seem to identify why all child menu elements have the gradiated background. Below is the CSS code I'm using for the navigation:

#navigation {
    /* CSS Code Here */
/* Additional CSS Code */ 
#navigation ul.nav > li:hover,
#navigation ul.nav > li a:hover,
ul.nav li.current_page_item a,
ul.nav li.current_page_parent a,
ul.nav li.current-menu-ancestor a,
ul.nav li.current-cat a,
ul.nav a {
    /* More CSS Code */ 

Please share your thoughts or suggestions on what might be causing this issue. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Include the following code snippet in your CSS file.

#navigation ul.nav .sub-menu li:hover , #navigation ul.nav .sub-menu li a:hover {background:none!important

This will help you achieve the desired outcome.

Answer №2

You haven't incorporated the .sub-menu class in your styles, have you attempted to eliminate the background using a class similar to this:

.sub-menu .menu-item {
  background: ...

Answer №3

Remove the filter tag and use jQuery to manage the menu, as it has a negative impact on submenus in Internet Explorer up to two levels down.

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