Maintaining active navigation state in JQuery/JavaScript after clicking a link: tips and tricks

While many resources discuss adding the active class to a nav link using jquery, there is less information on maintaining the active state after the nav link has been clicked.

After experimenting with code from various sources, I have attempted to set session variables onclick in order to preserve the active state through navigation and reloading. However, my current approach does not seem to be effective.

What I have tried so far is not producing the desired results.

This method appears functional, but may not align with modern best practices.


    <a href="about.xhtml" id="about" >About</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="work.xhtml" id="work" >Work</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="mission.xhtml" id="mission" >Mission</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="contact.xhtml" id="contact" >Contact</a>


 nav {
     border-bottom: 3px solid #d10f0f;


 //Check for session variables.
$(document).ready(function() {

    //If 'page' session is defined
    if (window.sessionStorage.pageSession) {

        // make selected nav option active.
        var activeTab = '#' + window.sessionStorage.pageSession;

    } else {

        // If pageSession is not defined, you're at home
        window.sessionStorage.pageSession = ('page', 'home');

    //Set link location for page refresh/reload


// Place or remove nav active state.
$(document).on('click','nav a',function(){

    //Set 'page' and 'link' variables based on nav values. 
    var page =;
    var link = this.href;

    // Set 'page' and 'link' session variables based on nav values.
    var window.sessionStorage.pageSession = ('page', page);
    var window.sessionStorage.linkSession = ('link', link);

    // Update classes.
    $('nav .active').removeClass('active'); 

    // Link to nav ahref.
    window.location = sessionStorage.linkSession;


Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by using localStorage. Here's an example:

//Check for session variables.
$(document).ready(function() {

    // Set parameters object for initialization
    let paramsObj = {page:'current-page-name',link:location.href};
    // Initialize pageSession object to store the current page
    localStorage.setItem('pageSession', JSON.stringify(paramsObj));
    // Retrieve updated page session settings
    let pageStorage = localStorage.getItem('pageSession') != undefined ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pageSession')) : paramsObj;
    // make selected nav option active.
    let activeTab = '#' +;

    //Set link location for page refresh/reload
    $(document).on('click','nav a',function(e){

      //Set 'page' and 'link' variables based on nav values. 
      let page = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pageSession')).page;
      let link = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pageSession')).link;

      // Set 'page' and 'link' session variables based on nav values.
      localStorage.setItem('pageSession', JSON.stringify({page:$(this).attr('id'), link:$(this).attr('href')}));

      // Update classes.
      $('nav .active').removeClass('active'); 

      // Link to nav href.
      window.location = $(this).attr('href');


nav {
     border-bottom: 3px solid #d10f0f;
    <a href="javascript:;" id="home" >Home</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="javascript:;" id="about" >About</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="javascript:;" id="work" >Work</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="javascript:;" id="mission" >Mission</a>
    <span class="nav_divide"></span>
    <a href="javascript:;" id="contact" >Contact</a>

There are multiple ways to accomplish this. The code has been updated to initialize pageSession on every page, resolving the issue with JSON.parse(...).

Give it a try here at jsfiddle. It should work now!

I hope this information proves helpful.

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