Discover the best way to enable lint support for MUI `sx` prop values

Despite attempting the method below, I am still unable to receive lint support to identify incorrect style properties and values.

import { SxProps, Theme } from "@mui/material";

export const navBarStyles: Record<string, SxProps<Theme> | undefined> = {
    notification: {
        backgroundColor: 'white',
        "&:hover, &.Mui-focusVisible": { backgroundColor: "white" }
    test: {
        colorBlaBlaBla: 'greennnnn'

In the given example, neither colorBlaBlaBla nor greennnnn is triggering any lint warnings in VSCode. While autocomplete suggestions are provided, is there a way to enable linter support for these incorrect values within MUI's sx prop?

Alternatively, should I explore other methods within MUI to enhance linter support?

Answer №1

Create a custom style interface using TypeScript types and MUI's SxProps type to define your styles. Here is an example of how you can do this:

import { SxProps, Theme } from "@mui/material";

interface CustomStyles {
  button: SxProps<Theme>;
  heading: SxProps<Theme>;

export const customStyles: CustomStyles = {
  button: {
    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    color: 'white'
  heading: {
    fontSize: '20px',
    fontWeight: 'bold'

By using TypeScript in this way, you will benefit from autocompletion and linting for valid style properties and values when implementing these styles. If you try to use an invalid property or value, TypeScript will flag it as an error in your code editor.

For instance, if you mistakenly use a non-existent style property like fontSizze or an incorrect value such as yellowww, TypeScript will catch these errors and provide helpful linting feedback.

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