Tips for selecting a secondary or even tertiary ancestor in a Sass project

Check out this piece of HTML code:


        <li class="more">hello
            <ul class="hello">



I also want to create some CSS that looks like this:

.hello { display: none; }

.more:hover .hello { display: block; }

Here is my SCSS:


        display: none;
    &:hover .hello{
        display: block;

Do you know a more concise way to write the selector &:hover .hello{} ?

Answer №1

To achieve this, one could utilize the @at-root rule.

The @at-root rule, which is typically denoted as @at-root { ... }, allows for everything within it to be outputted at the root level of the document instead of following the usual nesting structure. This rule is commonly used in situations where intricate nesting is required, particularly when working with the SassScript parent selector and selector functions.

For further insights, you can visit:

.more {
    @at-root .hello {
        display: none;
    &:hover .hello {
        display: block;

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