What is the best way to divide the height of one div evenly among three other divs?

I have three child divs inside a parent div and I'm looking to distribute the height of the parent div evenly among the three children.

Here is the HTML code:

    <div class="frameright">
        <div class="divright">
            <table class="right" id="andamento">
                <caption style="text-align:left">Em Andamento()</caption>
        <div class="divright">
            <table class="right" id="aberto">
                <caption style="text-align:left">Aberto()</caption>
        <div class="divright">
            <table class="right" id="encerrado">
                <caption style="text-align:left">Encerrado()</caption>

And here is the CSS:

    body{font-size:70%;margin: 0px;}
    html,body{font-family:Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;overflow:hidden;height:98%;}

    table{border-spacing: 1px;}
    table thead tr th{width:2%;background: #2F75B5;font-weight: normal;padding: 2px 3px;color:#FFFFD4;}
    table tbody tr td{z-index:0;background-color:#DDEBF7;min-width:1%;}

    table.right{margin: 5px 0 0 0;max-height: 33%;}
    table.right tbody td:hover {background-color:#79B7E7}
    table.right tbody tr:hover td{background-color: #79B7E7}

    .blue{background-color: #79B7E7}


I am seeking assistance on how to equally distribute the height between these three div elements. Can anyone provide guidance?

Answer №1

To start, make sure your parent div has a specified height like this:

      height: some_value;

Next, distribute that height evenly among each of your child divs by using a percentage, such as 33.3% in this scenario.


Answer №2

If you are looking to make the main div match the height of the browser window, you can achieve this by including the following CSS code:

.framecontainer{ height: 100%; }
.subcontainer{ height:33.3%; }

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