How come the changes in my react component's CSS are not updating in real-time?

After integrating redux into my create-react-app project, I've been struggling to implement a navigator that highlights the active "page link." To achieve this functionality, I am using a combination of react hooks (to maintain the current page state) and the npm package called classNames.

The code snippet I'm utilizing for this purpose is:

classNames(object['key'] && classes.activeItem)

In this setup, when object['key'] evaluates to true for a specific item activation, the corresponding element receives the activeItem class.

Interestingly, when I replace object['key'] with simply true, it functions as expected. Additionally, upon clicking the item, logging the value of object['key'] also returns true.

However, despite these observations, the mechanism seems to be malfunctioning. Any insights on why this might be happening would be greatly appreciated!

import React, { useEffect, memo } from 'react';
import { bindActionCreators, compose } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

Answer №1

Remember that the function passed to the useEffect hook always runs after rendering.

Your useEffect does not trigger a re-render for the component to reflect changes. Only changes to state can cause a re-render. If you want a re-render, you should first use the useState hook to update the state and then call setState within the useEffect hook. Alternatively, you could include these actions directly in the render cycle (outside of the useEffect hook):

activePage = _.mapValues(activePage, () => false);
activePage[curPage] = true
useEffect(() => {

Upon reviewing your code, it appears you can simplify by using

curPage === 'invite' && classes.itemActiveItem
instead of
activePage['invite'] && classes.itemActiveItem
, removing the unnecessary lines related to the activePage object. This will streamline things for you.

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