Strange outcomes observed with CSS Selector nth-child

When utilizing the CSS nth-child selector, I am encountering some peculiar issues.

The HTML structure is as follows:

<div class="block feature-callout-c" id="overview">
   <div class="row">
        <div class="span twelve">

            <span class="intro">ABCD</span>
    <div class="row number">
        <div class="span two">&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="span two data-stat">
            <i class="text">500M</i>
            <p><span class="faux-tip">Tweets</span></p>
        <div class="span two data-stat">
            <i class="text">20M+</i>
            <p><span class="faux-tip">Blog Posts</span></p>
        <div class="span two data-stat">
            <i class="text">200M</i>
            <p><span class="faux-tip">bitly Clicks</span></p>
        <div class="span two data-stat">
            <i class="text">85M</i>
            <p><span class="faux-tip">Tumblr Posts</span></p>
        <div class="span two">&nbsp;</div>

The issue arises when using the following CSS code that fails to select anything:


However, this CSS selection works correctly:


Can someone shed light on what might be causing this inconsistency?

This approach with CSS selectors may not be the most efficient. I have a specific requirement that demands a unique selector for each element.

Answer №1

Each segment of
corresponds to a specific part of the element it is comparing against, creating an overall "and" condition.

In simple terms, :nth-child(x) identifies an element as the xth child within its parent.

essentially means "Locate all elements with the tag name div, containing classes 'contains', 'two', and 'data-stat', positioned as the first child within their respective parents."

The initial child of DIV.row.number:nth-child(2), which you are attempting to correlate with
, lacks the data-stat class, leading to a mismatch.

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