Styling Dynamic HTML Content in Angular: Tips and Tricks

After running this line of code, I have a generated element sub with a property of [sub].

      <li [displayMode]="displayMode" template-menu-item style="cursor: pointer" [routerLink]="['/request/checkoutReview']" icon="fa-shopping-cart" name="Checkout" id="checkout-menu-icon" [sub]="(products$ | async)?.length"></li>

The alignment of the generated sub element is set to bottom: -.25em;, and I am attempting to customize its styles but none of them are taking effect.

    #checkout-menu-icon > a > div > sub {
        top: 0 !important;
        left: 3px !important;


    #checkout-menu-icon > a > div > .ng-star-inserted {
        top: 0 !important;
        left: 3px !important;

How can I successfully apply styles to the sub element below?

     <li id="checkout-menu-icon" name="Checkout" style="cursor: pointer" template-menu-item="" _nghost-c13="" tabindex="0" ng-reflect-router-link="/request/checkoutReview" ng-reflect-icon="fa-shopping-cart" ng-reflect-name="Checkout" ng-reflect-sub="1" ng-reflect-display-mode="0" class="ng-star-inserted">
          <a _ngcontent-c13="" routerlinkactive="active" ng-reflect-router-link="/request/checkoutReview" ng-reflect-router-link-active="active" href="/request/checkoutReview">
                              "ng-reflect-ng-if": "true"
           <span _ngcontent-c13="" class="ng-star-inserted" style="color: rgb(69, 69, 69);">
           <i _ngcontent-c13="" class="fa fa-2x fa-shopping-cart" ng-reflect-klass="fa fa-2x" ng-reflect-ng-class="fa-shopping-cart"></i></span>

           <div _ngcontent-c13="" class="tabName" style="color: rgb(69, 69, 69);">Checkout
                            "ng-reflect-ng-if": "1"
               <sub _ngcontent-c13="" class="ng-star-inserted">1</sub>

Answer №1

The problem you are encountering is related to the way Angular manages view encapsulation. To resolve this issue, try adding your styles to the primary styles.css file.

Answer №2

If you're having trouble with the styles you've applied, consider deleting them and utilizing the following simpler approach:

#checkout-menu-icon sub {
   vertical-align: middle;

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