In order to maintain a custom tooltip in an open state until it is hovered over, while also controlling its

When hovering over the first column of the table, a tooltip will appear. Within each material tooltip, I would like to include a button at the bottom right after the JSON data. When this button is clicked, it should open an Angular Material dialog.

<ng-container matColumnDef="Alert">
  <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> Alert </th>
    <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">
    <span [matTooltipClass]="{ 'tool-tip': true }" 
           matTooltip="{{(row?.conditionals)?(row.conditionals | json):''}}"> 

Preview Tooltip with Working Example

#EDIT1 I have developed a custom tooltip since the Angular Material tooltip did not meet my requirements

The Tooltip Works as Intended

After receiving feedback, I have added data and a button to the tooltip, but there are two remaining challenges:

1) How can I keep the tooltip open as long as the user hovers over it so they can click on the button (currently, the tooltip closes when the user moves away from the first column)


2) There is a flickering issue with the tooltip appearing above where it is hovered. I want it to display just below the hovered row in the first column, or above if the row is at the bottom.

Answer №1

When developing a custom MatTooltip and TooltipComponent, the solution should be tailored to fit these components.

One approach is to extend the TooltipComponent within your CustomToolTipComponent, allowing you to make use of existing logic in your directive.

export class CustomToolTipComponent extends TooltipComponent

I have made multiple modifications to your directive and provided detailed notes on the changes made. Essentially, the goal is to stick to the concept of your custom directive while incorporating additional functionality from the extended TooltipComponent.

If starting from scratch, consider extending the MatTooltip class instead of modifying the CustomToolTipComponent. This could potentially provide a way to achieve your goals while utilizing default logic as much as possible.

This approach resolves all pending tasks and offers sufficient guidance for further development.


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