Personalize the color of tags in streamlit

As a newcomer to streamlit, I am experimenting with creating an application that incorporates multiple tag objects. By default, the tags are displayed in red, but I would like to customize the colors for each tag based on its category. For example, I want tags related to platforms to be shown in blue and tags related to amounts in purple.

I attempted to use a style.css file and import it into my main file, but the styles don't seem to be applied correctly.

div.element-container css-3u772n e1tzin5v2 {
   background-color : #50C878;

with open('style.css') as f:
   st.markdown(f'<style>{}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True)

col7, col8= st.columns([2.5, 2.5])
with col7:
   platform = st_tags(
         value= ["Carousell"],

If you could provide some advice on effectively working with CSS styles, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of select options, I utilized st.multiselect and incorporated custom CSS directly onto the page. By defining rules for each specific option, it is possible to change the styling based on specific criteria. For instance, checking if a span element contains a child span with a matching title attribute, allows for dynamically coloring the parent element.

import streamlit as st

possible_platforms = ["Carousell", "Foo", "Bar"]
possible_amounts = [">$300", "<=$300"]

for pfm in possible_platforms:
    span[data-baseweb="tag"]:has(span[title="{pfm}"]) {{
    background-color: blue !important;

for amount in possible_amounts:
    span[data-baseweb="tag"]:has(span[title="{amount}"]) {{
    background-color: purple !important;

st.markdown("Report Category Specific Parameters")

st.multiselect("Platform", possible_platforms)
st.multiselect("Amount", possible_amounts)

Note: The has pseudo-class is compatible with most browsers except Firefox. You can check browser support here.

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