Mobile video created with Adobe Animate

Currently, I am designing an HTML5 banner in Adobe Animate that includes a video element. However, due to restrictions on iPhone and iPad devices, the video cannot autoplay. As a workaround, I would like to display a static image instead. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this?

Previously, I have used the "poster-image" attribute with a still frame from the video clip. However, it displays a play icon over the image which is not the desired effect.

Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

When it comes to playing media on IoS devices, they will only do so upon user interaction. As a result, you'll need an iPad/iPhone detector in order to toggle the visibility of your image.

Here is my suggestion for how you can achieve this: Start by creating an image and positioning it over the video (ensure it's set to be absolute)

Next, include the following code in your JavaScript file:

 // Credit goes to:
 function iOS() {
    var iDevices = [
    'iPad Simulator',
    'iPhone Simulator',
    'iPod Simulator',

  if (!!navigator.platform) {
    while (iDevices.length) {
      if (navigator.platform === iDevices.pop()){ return true; }

  return false;
if(iOS()) document.getElementById("YOUR_IMAGE_ID").style.display = "block";

Give this solution a try and see if it works as expected.

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