Design an HTML button/label with text and a starting width of zero

I'm attempting to design HTML buttons and labels with text that initially have zero width. Once inserted, they should smoothly transition to a visible state. I've tried adjusting the initial width and min-width style properties without success.

Below is the desired functionality:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">
      .zerowidth{width: 0px;min-width: 0px;}
      .nonzerowidth{font-size: 30px;}
      button{font-size: 30px;}
      label{font-size: 30px;}
      span{font-size: 0px;}
      <button>This should be visible</button>
      <button class='zerowidth'>I want this to be invisible</button>
      <label class='zerowidth'>same here</label>

The goal is for the above code to display identically to a version without the .zerowidth elements, so the .zerowidth elements can later have their widths animated smoothly to nonzero values.

If there's a simpler method to insert an item into the DOM that allows for smooth repositioning of surrounding elements (similar to the example shown), please share. However, I prefer to avoid absolute positioning if possible.

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you want to make a button element truly zero-width in terms of total occupied width (not just content width as specified by the CSS property width), you must set both horizontal padding and vertical borders to zero. Additionally, it's important to prevent line breaks to ensure the content stays on one line. To handle overflowing content for an element with zero content width, you should hide any overflow. This can be achieved by adding the following code:

.zerowidth {
    padding-left: 0; 
    padding-right: 0;
    border-left-width: 0; 
    border-right-width: 0;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;

It appears that this technique may not work effectively for making a label element zero-width when tested on browsers like IE, Chrome, and Firefox. However, keep in mind that a label element is primarily used for labeling form fields and other labellable elements. Attempting to use it for other types of content can lead to complications. In such cases, consider using a span element instead.

Answer №2

<button class='zerowidth'>Make this disappear</button>
<label class='zerowidth'>Keep this hidden too</label>

If you wish to hide these elements, consider adding style="display:none;" to both. Alternatively, for displaying them, utilize a hover effect along with display:block; applied to the specific element.

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