Trouble with the display:none attribute in Firefox and Chrome

<tr style="height:5px" id="TRRSHeaderTrialBar" name="TRRSHeaderTrialBar" style='display:none'>
<tr id="TREmail" name="TREmail"  style="height:1px;" nowrap style='display:none'>

Using the code snippet above to hide the bar works well in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox or Chrome. To address this issue, I added the following JavaScript:

document.getElementById("TREmail").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("TRRSHeaderTrialBar").style.display = "none";

The element TRRSHeaderTrialBar contains tab pages, while TREmail contains two buttons. Upon page load, TRRSHeaderTrialBar behaves as expected, but TREmail initially shows the buttons and hides them after the page finishes loading.

To ensure that the buttons are hidden during page load, you can modify the scripts accordingly.

Answer №1

It is important that you do not incorporate multiple style attributes in your code. A better approach would be to avoid

 <tr style="height:5px" ... style='display:none'>

and instead use

 <tr style="height:5px; display:none">

Answer №2

If you take a closer look at the code you've written, you'll see that there are two different styles applied to each tr element. To fix this issue, try combining all the CSS styles into one style heading like this:

<tr style="height:5px; display:none;" id="TRRSHeaderTrialBar" name="TRRSHeaderTrialBar">
<tr id="TREmail" name="TREmail"  style="height:1px; display:none;" nowrap>

By consolidating the styles in this way, you should be able to resolve the problem.

Answer №3

const formValue = document.forms(0).validated.value;

if(formValue === 0)
    document.getElementById("k1").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById("t1").style.display = "none";

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