<ol><li>Arranges elements in a peculiar way if the image is aligned to the left</li></ol>

Explore this comprehensive presentation on combining PDFs online.

In this blog post, I have encountered two instances of <ol><li> formatting. The first one is styled properly using the following CSS:

.post_content ul, .post_content ol {
        padding-left: 20px;
        margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;

However, below the PDF icon image (which is floated left), the bullets seem to be misaligned and not lining up correctly. What could be causing this issue?

Answer №1

Consider enhancing

list-style-position: inside; in your stylesheet for the <ol>.

By doing this, you can prevent the 20px padding from conflicting with the left border of the container due to the floated image. Positioning the list numbers "inside" the container allows them to flow smoothly like the surrounding text within the <p>.

This adjustment will also indent the <ol> that is not impacted by the float. In case you want a specific style for this particular <ol>, consider creating a unique class (or removing the left padding if it was solely added for alignment purposes).

Answer №2

It's true what Cameron said (+1). That solution is truly the best.

However, some have found a simple way to solve this issue by:

  1. Removing the numbers/bullets (e.g. using list-style:none;)
  2. Manually coding the bullets/numbers themselves

For instance:

<ol style="list-style:none;">
  <li>1. Design PDF forms for data collection</li>
  <li>2. Embed multimedia content (images, videos) from various sources into the PDF</li>
  <li>3. E-sign PDFs</li>
  <li>4. And more!</li>

I personally wouldn't opt for the manual coding approach, but it can be a handy technique in your toolkit.

Check out this informative article on how to style the numbers of ordered lists with CSS without manually inputting numbers like I mentioned earlier:

  • Styling ordered list numbers

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