Switching images between mobile and desktop view in responsive mode is a useful feature for optimizing

Within a specific folder structure, I have a collection of images designated for both desktop and mobile displays:



To switch the desktop image img-1.png, I currently use this code:

<span id="switcher">
   <img id="houdini" src="img/img-1.jpg" alt="">

<span id="switcher2">
   <img id="houdini2" src="img/img-2.jpg" alt="">

<span id="switcher3">
   <img id="houdini3" src="img/img-3.jpg" alt="">

<span id="switcher4">
   <img id="houdini4" src="img/img-4.jpg" alt="">

<span id="switcher5">
   <img id="houdini5" src="img/img-5.jpg" alt="">

Regarding CSS:

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 489px) {
    span[id=switcher] {
        background-image: url(/mobile/img-1.jpg);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: center;
    img[id=houdini] {display: none;}

Is there a way to streamline writing the above CSS for all images from img-1 to img-6? Can an ID be passed or accessed?

Can we eliminate the use of !important in the code?

(Need compatibility with IE8)

Answer №1

Why not try a different approach for displaying images on desktop? You can have pairs of images for desktop and mobile side by side, toggling their visibility using specific classes:

Check out this example

<img src="http://placehold.it/200/f30" alt="houdini" class="visible-mobile">
<img src="http://placehold.it/200/3f0" alt="houdini" class="hidden-mobile">
.visible-mobile {
  display: none !important;

@media (max-width: 489px) {
  .visible-mobile {
    display: inline !important;

  .hidden-mobile {
    display: none !important;

Answer №2


  <source srcset="https://uniquewebsite.com/images/devices/new-imac.png" media="(min-width: 1000px)">
  <source srcset="https://uniquewebsite.com/images/devices/new-macbook-grey-front.png" media="(min-width: 500px)">
  <source srcset="https://uniquewebsite.com/images/devices/new-iphone6plus-spacegrey-portrait.png" media="(max-width: 500px)"> 

  <img src="https://uniquewebsite.com/images/devices/new-macbook-grey-front.png" alt="Unique Tech Product" id="unique-image" class="unique_image" style="max-width: 100vw; max-height: 100vh;">


For a unique look, consider using min-device-width and/or max-device-width to prevent image changes upon browser resize. Give it a try!

Answer №3

You have the ability to dynamically manipulate it

$('body').append("<style type='text/css' id="+uniqueid+">@media screen and (max-device-width: 489px) { span[id="+uniqueid+"] {/* styles */ } }</style>");

To delete the style




Answer №4

<span id="flipper" class="myflip">
   <img id="merlin" src="img/img-1.jpg" alt="">

<span id="flipper2" class="myflip">
   <img id="merlin2" src="img/img-2.jpg" alt="">

<span id="flipper3" class="myflip">
   <img id="merlin3" src="img/img-3.jpg" alt="">

<span id="flipper4" class="myflip">
   <img id="merlin4" src="img/img-4.jpg" alt="">

<span id="flipper5" class="myflip">
   <img id="merlin5" src="img/img-5.jpg" alt="">


  @media only screen and (max-device-width: 489px) {
    span.myflip {
      background-image: url(/mobile/img-1.jpg) !important;
      background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
      background-position: center !important;
    img[id=merlin] {display: none !important;}

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