The animation loop completes and restarts from the initial keyframe

I have a CSS animation that I want to play through once and then stop at the final keyframe. However, currently it keeps returning to the initial keyframe and stopping there instead of reaching the end. The animation involves a title heading that gradually fills up with color over time.

This code is being used within the Elementor plugin on my WordPress site.

Can anyone help me figure out what mistake I might be making?

        --myText : 'HELLO';
        --textColor: #EDC300;
        --textStroke: 2px;
        --anDuration: 8s;
        -webkit-text-stroke: var(--textStroke) var(--textColor);
        display: table;
        width: -moz-fit-content;
        width: -webkit-fit-content;
        width: fit-content;
        text-align: center;
        margin: 0 auto
    selector .elementor-heading-title::before{
        content: var(--myText);
        color: var(--textColor);
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        width: 0%;
        height: 100%;
        text-align: left;
        overflow: hidden;
        white-space: nowrap;
        border-right: var(--textStroke) solid var(--textColor);
        -webkit-animation:animateX var(--anDuration) linear 1;
        -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
        animation:animateX var(--anDuration) linear 1;
        animation-fill-mode: forwards;

    @-webkit-keyframes animateX{
       70%, 90%{
            width: 100%;

    @keyframes animateX{
       70%, 90%{

Answer №1

When the animation keyframes at 0% and 100% are identical, it may appear as though the animation has looped back to the starting frame. To address this issue, I suggest removing the 100% from the keyframe declaration that corresponds with 0%.

Answer №2

Just like @Caleb mentioned, the animateX keyframes begin and end with a width of 0%.

This indicates that the width starts at 0%, progresses through other frames, and eventually returns to 0% at the end.

To resolve this issue, you can adjust the keyframes as follows:

@keyframes animateX{
       70%, 100%{

Notice how I modified the percentages in the keyframes so that it culminates (at 100% of keyframes) in a width of 100%.

The same adjustment should be made for @-webkit-keyframes as well.

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