Adjust the size of the div based on a percentage of the header div

I'm looking to add a new div within the header of my WordPress site. I want this div to be a percentage of the parent div's size, specifically occupying only the right side of the header. Right now, the header contains my logo on the left side, and I want to fill the right side with text. I've tried adjusting padding and font sizes using "em" and "vw", but it doesn't seem to work well because it's based on the entire header size, making alignment challenging.

Current layout:

Desired outcome:

Answer №1

If you want to achieve a specific layout, you can use CSS to float the first div on the left side of the header and the second div on the right side. Here's an example:

#logo-container {
        float: left;
        width: 50%;

#text-container {
        float: right;
        width: 50%;

For more tips on positioning divs with CSS, check out this resource

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