Type content in HTML5

Can you help me with a simple question? I am currently working on building my portfolio using html


I want to be able to click on an image and add the description of my choice. Right now, it is showing something else:


Here is a snippet of the code related to this:

Thank you for your assistance!

<!-- item -->
                <div class="project-item">
                    <!-- ==> Put your thumbnail as a background -->
                    <a href="img/portfolio/p2.jpg" class="project-thumbnail nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="portfolio" style="background-image: url('img/portfolio/thumb-p2.jpg');">
                        <!-- project-description -->
                        <div class="project-description-wrapper">
                            <div class="project-description">
                                <!-- project name -->
                                <h2 class="project-title">Project Title</h2>
                                <!-- /project name -->
                                <span class="see-more">Project Tags</span>
                        <!-- /project-description -->
                <!-- /item -->

Answer №1

If you're not sure what framework to use for creating a website, I highly recommend checking out MaterializeCSS. They have options that can perfectly match your needs.

Take a look:

        <h1>MATERIAL BOXED</h1>

        <img src="http://materializecss.com/images/sample-1.jpg" alt="" class="materialboxed" data-caption="Here is an image caption">

All you need to do is import the Materialize library and jQuery into your code, which you can find on their official page.

I hope this solution helps you with your project. It may seem unconventional, but it's effective and looks great in action! ;)

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