The scrollbar is shifting the page's content towards the left

As a first-time user of Bootstrap, I have encountered an issue while building my website that I cannot seem to solve. Whenever I add large content that requires a scrollbar in the browser, the entire page shifts to the left.

In simpler terms, when a scrollbar is present, the page content moves about 17px to the left, but it functions correctly without a scrollbar. I do not want to use a permanent scrollbar like

overflow-y: scroll;

However, if I use

width: 100vw;

The content remains in place even with a scrollbar, but an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar also appears when there is a vertical one.

Answer №1

If you're facing the issue of a scroll appearing on your page and want to find solutions, here are a few options for you:

  1. One approach is to keep the scroll bar visible at all times and customize its style to blend seamlessly with your webpage:

    html {
        overflow-y: scroll;
  2. Alternatively, you can try adding the following CSS code:

    padding-right: 40px;

    This will set the maximum scroll size to 40px, as per common recommendations.

  3. Create a parent div housing all page content and then nest a slightly smaller child div within it. By ensuring that changes in parent size do not affect the child's dimensions, you can control the scroll appearance effectively.

  4. Another strategy involves implementing a JavaScript function to dynamically adjust margin settings based on whether the scroll is visible or not on the page.

  5. For a responsive solution, consider utilizing media queries to handle scroll bar issues across varying screen sizes.

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