The content is overflowing due to the height being set to 100%

I am facing a challenge with designing a webpage that has a header with dynamic height and a content area. The goal is for the content to fill up the remaining space on the page, even if there isn't enough text.

This is a common issue that many people have asked about, and typical responses include code snippets like this:

html, body {
  height: 100%;  
.header {
  height: 50px;
  background-color: #ff0;  
.content {
  min-height: 100%;  
  background-color: #ccc;

However, my problem is that the .content area does not accurately expand to fill the rest of the page as expected. Instead, it seems to take up the entire screen height, causing me to scroll to see the bottom of the .content.

You can view the code here:

Currently, when I set the .content height to 100%, a scrollbar appears:


Thank you for suggestions on how to solve this with a fixed header height! However, is there a way to achieve this without knowing the exact height of my header?

Answer №1

To achieve this layout, utilize the calc function as shown below:

.content {
 min-height: calc(100% - 50px);
 background-color: #ccc;

Ensure to reset the default margin of the body element to zero to avoid unexpected results.

View live demo here.

LATEST UPDATE: For a more dynamic approach, consider experimenting with flex-box layout. Keep in mind that support for this feature is limited to newer browser versions. In case of older browsers compatibility issues, look into using libraries like prefixfree. Another alternative is utilizing the table-layout for the header, demonstrated in this updated demo.

Answer №2

Your page is fully occupied, whilst other components take up some room as well. Adjust your percentage according to the space being used. For instance, my website requires only 92%.

The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes are determined by the BODY of the page (which is derived from the HTML structure), instead of the available space. Therefore, using 100% represents the entirety of the screen's real estate. Meanwhile, other elements might utilize 10% of that area, causing the content to extend beyond 100%.

This scenario is similar to when your page becomes filled with content and a scrollbar appears. The body's height increases proportionally to the growing content within its container.

Answer №3

absolute placement could potentially resolve the issue, although it is contingent on the overall layout of your webpage. Take a look at the example provided here:

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