Troubleshooting issue arising from transferring code from CodePen to a text editor

I've attempted to recreate a Codepen example in my HTML files on my computer, but it's not displaying correctly. While the static layout resembles what appears in Codepen, the background with the moving squares isn't functioning as expected when I upload it to my machine and view the files. Here is the Codepen link I'm trying to replicate:

I've managed to display the background color and login boxes, but my main goal was to replicate it entirely with the animated background.

Below is the code from my desktop that doesn't render properly in my browser (I've tested it on both Chrome and Safari):

Upon inspection, you'll notice that the moving rectangles in the background are not visible.


Answer №1

While attempting to recreate the example, the challenge I faced was using the "less" code on CodePen. It wasn't until @Gerard pointed out that I needed to click on the tab in the upper right corner of Codepen to view the full CSS code that I was able to find the solution.

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