What is the reason that certain CSS pages are not being utilized on my website?

I am facing issues with rendering my website on a tablet device, specifically with my last 2 css pages (800px.css and 800pxland.css). Despite working fine just hours ago, now they seem to be neglected while all the other ones work perfectly. I have tried making various changes, but nothing seems to work. Recently, I started using Bluehost's CloudFlare service, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it (I am FTP'ing while in dev. mode on CloudFlare). I have been using Google Chrome as my browser on the tablet throughout. Hopefully, this posted information can shed some light on the issue. Thanks!

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Answer №1

Just a short while ago, they were functioning perfectly...

If what you're saying is that the 2 iPad CSS stylesheets were previously working but are no longer, it could suggest either a caching issue with CloudFlare or a CSS error within the stylesheets. It's also possible that styles from another stylesheet are taking precedence.

You can troubleshoot each possibility by:

  • Creating duplicates of the last 2 stlyesheets and updating the HTML accordingly
    For example:
    <link media="screen and (min-device-width:601px) and (max-device-width:800px) and (orientation:portrait)" href="/css/800px-alt.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    . This will help rule out a caching problem.
  • Validating the last 2 stylesheets using W3 CSS validation tool
  • Adding a new test selector to each of the last 2 stylesheets to see if changes persist, for example:
    body{background-color:green !important;

These are the most probable causes that come to mind. Good luck!


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