Is it acceptable to debut a full-screen iframe widget compared to an embedded one?

My current project involves integrating a custom widget into users' websites for my application. I am considering using an iframe as it seems to be the most efficient option for several reasons:

  1. Utilizing the custom framework of the application will save me time by providing pre-built code and features that are essential for the widget, such as cross-browser event handlers and prototyped objects.
  2. Avoiding CSS conflicts is easier with an iframe, eliminating the need for inline css for every dom element created.
  3. Cross-domain requests are not an issue due to prior development work utilizing jsonp for communication.

The plan currently entails creating a javascript snippet that acts as a button to load a transparent full-screen iframe on top of the window. This setup allows me complete control over the view and enables seamless integration of the widget within the parent application. Users can interact with the widget just like any other part of the website, with the ability to dismiss it by clicking outside the widget's boundaries.

The widget requires frequent server communication - making requests on load, updating views based on user interaction, and awaiting responses.

Considering these factors, would embedding the widget directly into the host's DOM and rewriting framework code be a more professional approach? While I'm willing to invest the extra effort if necessary, compatibility requirements with IE8 and the need for seamless viewing on desktop and mobile devices without intruding on the client's website are crucial considerations.

Answer №1

Discovering some insightful information from a previous post that, even though no longer active, presents compelling arguments in support of iframes.

Why developers hate iframes?

Here are a few key points that stand out:

  1. It's worth noting that many major websites like Gmail,, and Facebook utilize iframes effectively for their intended purposes.
  2. In certain scenarios, such as mine, using iframes is considered preferable to prevent potential compatibility issues with external websites beyond my control. While precautions can minimize the risk of causing problems on someone else's site, using an iframe eliminates this possibility completely - which is why they were designed in the first place.
  3. Search engine optimization (SEO) is not a concern in my case. I am simply integrating a JavaScript application into remote users' websites, rather than providing searchable content.

Given these factors, I believe opting for the simpler approach is actually the more professional choice. Despite the misconception surrounding iframes due to past misuse, similar to tables, when used appropriately they serve a valuable purpose. In situations where data is best presented in a tabular format, it only makes sense to use tables (albeit styled with CSS properties like display: table-cell).

For now, I am in favor of iframes. Should my perspective evolve further along the development path of this project, I will revisit and update this answer accordingly.

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