Tips for properly utilizing "require" in application.css with the Skeleton framework

I am currently working on implementing the skeleton-rails CSS framework into my application. Within the

file, I have created containers and a list nav that require styling. Following the guidelines provided by the skeleton git repository, I added gem 'skeleton-rails' to my Gemfile. Subsequently, I executed bundle install and rails g skeleton:install from the root directory of my app. These steps led to modifications in my

= require base

= require layout

= require skeleton

Despite following these instructions, all lines within my file are commented out, with asterisks (*) placed before them. My attempts to uncomment the lines, remove asterisks and equal signs, and other modifications have not resulted in the expected changes upon reloading the page with the skeleton styling. Is there something crucial that I might be overlooking? Any assistance offered will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Run the command gem list to confirm if Skeleton is installed on your system.

To understand how resources are pulled in Rails using the manifest file, refer to this informative guide.

Answer №2

According to RailsGuides, the require statements should always be enclosed within a comment block and retain their asterisks and equal signs.

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