Adjust the background image color with CSS styling

I have a collection of icons that I would like to incorporate into my application. These icons primarily consist of glyphicons with a few others mixed in. I want the HTML structure to mimic that of a glyphicon, specifically:

<a href="#">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span>
    Normal Link

<a href="#">
    <span class="glyphicon blue .glyphicon-wrench"></span>
    Blue Link

While I understand that glyphicons are technically fonts and not images, certain limitations prevent me from relying on the font being installed or available, so I must use background images instead.


.glyphicon {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 1em;
    height: 1em;
    margin-right: 5px;
    content: "";
    background-position: 0 0;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: contain;
    color: transparent;

.glyphicon .glyphicon-wrench: {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-440-wrench.png');

.glyphicon .glyphicon-envelope {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-11-envelope.png');

.glyphicon .glyphicon-info-sign {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-196-info-sign.png');

.glyphicon .glyphicon-danger {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-197-exclamation-sign.png');

The challenge lies in the need to have icons in different colors at various locations. Hence, I aim to use the ".blue" class and ".white" class to adjust the image color accordingly. Currently, I accomplish this by creating separate color variants for each icon:

.glyphicon .blue .glyphicon-wrench: {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-440-wrench-blue.png');

.glyphicon .blue .glyphicon-envelope {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-11-envelope-blue.png');

.glyphicon .blue .glyphicon-info-sign {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-196-info-sign-blue.png');

.glyphicon .blue .glyphicon-danger {
    background-image: url('../images/glyphicons_free/glyphicons/png/glyphicons-197-exclamation-sign-blue.png');

I find it cumbersome to create multiple image variations and repeat these steps for each color option. Is there a way to apply a filter to the Background-Image property of an HTML element, such as:

.glyphicon .blue {
     background-filter: RGB(0,0,1);


I am aware that filters can be applied to IMG tags, but I require the ability to apply them to a background image. Additionally, the icons feature transparent backgrounds which must remain intact, necessitating a filter that affects only the foreground image.

Thank you in advance,

Answer №1

For those unable to utilize fonts, one alternative is to inline an SVG sprite at the beginning of your HTML code.

The SVG sprite can be hidden, but you are able to reference each individual icon within the sprite using its unique ID later in your HTML using the <use> element.

To set the color within the SVG file, use fill="currentColor", and then apply a specific color attribute with CSS to a parent node in order to control the color of each instance of the icon.

#svgSprite {
  display: none

.blue {
  color: blue;

.red {
  color: red;

.green {
  color: green;

.yellow {
  color: yellow;

.blue:hover {
  color: navy;

.red:hover {
  color: maroon

.green:hover {
  color: DarkGreen;

.yellow:hover {
  color: DarkOliveGreen;
<svg id="svgSprite" viewBox="0 0 122 122">
<g id="checkbox">
<rect x="3.5" y="3.5" width="115" height="115"  stroke="black" stroke-width="5" fill="none"/>
<path d="M57 110L15 62L57 85L107 14L57 110Z" fill="currentColor"/>

<div class="icon blue"><svg><use href="#checkbox"/></svg></div>
<div class="icon red"><svg><use href="#checkbox"/></svg></div>
<div class="icon green"><svg><use href="#checkbox"/></svg></div>
<div class="icon yellow"><svg><use href="#checkbox"/></svg></div>

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