MUI provides the flexibility to adjust the opacity separately for Chip labels/icons and backgrounds

My objective is to customize the opacity of label/icon and background in MUI Chip. I want the label & icon to have an opacity of 1, while the background should have an opacity of 0.0571.
Technologies used in this project include React, TypeScript, Material-UI v5, and Go.

Below is a snippet of my code:

export default function InvoiceItem({ data, func }: Props) {
    return (
        {, index: number) => (
                    mr: 5,
                    width: 100,
                    typography: "h4",
                icon={<FiberManualRecordIcon />}

I have already attempted the following:

    opacity= 0.057
        "& .MuiChip-label": {
            opacity: 1
    icon={<FiberManualRecordIcon />}

    "& .MuiChip-root”: {
        opacity: 0.0571
    "& .MuiChip-label": {
        opacity: 1

Answer №1

Attempting this method may not yield the desired results due to the parent element's opacity affecting the child. To accomplish this in an alternative manner, consider implementing the following approach:

"& .MuiChip-root”: {
    background-color: rgb(100 100 100 / 0.057)

It is essential for the RGB values to align with your initial color scheme.

Answer №2

To add some flair to your design, consider utilizing the rgba value for background colors.

  // color={func(invoice.status)}
  icon={<MdFiberManualRecord />}
    backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0571)",
    color: "black",

By setting the background color using rgba values, you can avoid redundant color definitions for both the label and icon. For added flexibility, you can even incorporate the "backgroundColor" property with a custom function that returns an rgba value based on the invoice status.

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