"Customizing the topbar of Twitter Bootstrap for right-to

Attempting to implement twitter bootstrap for a top navigation bar on my master page.


Encountering some issues and seeking assistance:

1- Desiring to switch the direction of all content to right-to-left (rtl).

This would mean My site is farthest right and register is farthest left.

2- Elements within the bar are unevenly spaced.

How do I center-align them within the bar?

3- Want to include my site's logo in the bar, similar to what is shown here

ask assitance for html page tabular layout

Can it remain fixed on the screen along with the bar itself?

Can it automatically adjust its size to match that of the bar?

Answer №1

Exciting news - Bootstrap has introduced RTL support in version 3.3.5! Simply swap out all instances of "left" with "right" in the bootstrap.css file (or even better, directly edit the "less" source files). While some adjustments may be needed for the carousel, the majority of elements function smoothly. Check out this demonstration to see it in action.

Answer №2

To build a website in RTL (right-to-left) orientation using Twitter Bootstrap, it is recommended to utilize the RTL version of the framework.

For more information, you can visit this link.

Additionally, you can find the RTL version of Bootstrap on GitHub at this repository.

I have personally used these resources to create a webpage like sushiant.com, which was built with the RTL version of Bootstrap.

Answer №3

Consider exploring the potential of using FLOAT and POSITION within your CSS styles. Experiment with placing each element inside separate DIVs and playing around with the FLOAT and POSITION properties.

For instance, in response to your first question...you could position "my site" like this:

<div style="float:left">my site</div>
<div style="float:right">register</div>

You may find this tutorial on positioning helpful:

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