Tips for designing a form action

I am a beginner and struggling with understanding the CSS for the code below. Can someone help me out?

        <div id="page-container">
         <?php include_once("home_start.php"); ?> 

        <form action='login process.php' method='POST'> 
         Username: <input type='text' name='username'><br /> 
         Password: <input type='password' name='password'><br /> 
         <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Login'> 
         <input name='reset' type='reset' value='Reset'> 

         <h4><a href='register.php'>Register</a></h4> 

        <?php include_once("home_end.php"); ?> 


Answer №1

To uniquely customize a specific form, assign a class or ID to target it specifically. You can modify the HTML code as follows:

<form id="blue-form" action='login process.php' method='POST'>
    Username: <input type='text' name='username'><br /> 
    Password: <input type='password' name='password'><br /> 
    <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Login'> 
    <input name='reset' type='reset' value='Reset'> 

Next, apply CSS styling to the designated ID/class like so:

#blue-form {
    background-color: blue; 

If you prefer to style all forms without specifying a specific class/ID, you can do so with this CSS snippet:

form {
        background-color: red; 

Alternatively, if you want to focus on styling the input fields only, you can use the following CSS:

input {
   background-color: green; 

For a live demonstration, you can check out this DEMO.

Let your creativity shine by exploring various ways to style your web forms. For inspiration and ideas, visit this link.

Answer №2

To style the separate input fields, you can do so by targeting them individually:

input[type=text] { color:blue; }

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