Error occurred during download or resource does not meet image format requirements

Encountering an issue when attempting to utilize the icon specified in the Manifest: http://localhost:3000/logo192.png (Download error or invalid image resource) from the console?

import React from 'react';
import Logo from '../Images/logo192.png';

<img src={Logo} style={{width: '80px', height: '80px'}} alt='react logo' />

An example of the image being passed through is shown above.

Answer №1

To eliminate the specified entry in the public/manifest.json file, please follow these instructions:

  "src": "favicon.ico",
  "type": "image/x-icon",
  "sizes": "48x48"

Answer №2

Is Logo a necessary component?

The logo192.png file is essential for a react project created using "create-react-app". If this file is deleted, React will not be able to locate it when searching for the resource.

To resolve this issue, it is important to eliminate all mentions of logo192.png in both public/index.html and public/manifest.json.

Answer №3

To ensure proper functionality, be sure to eliminate the specified entry from the manifest.json file,

  "src": "icon192.png",
  "type": "image/png",
  "sizes": "192x192"

If you encounter any issues related to icon512.png, it is recommended to remove it as well,

      "src": "icon512.png",
      "type": "image/png",
      "sizes": "512x512"

Answer №4

Always double-check that the image file is intact and uncorrupted. Sometimes an image may seem accessible for download, but its content could be damaged.

Try opening the file in a photo viewing or editing program to confirm its integrity.

Answer №5

Although I haven't personally tested this, in my situation, the file received (from AWS S3) or in other words, the HTTP response from the src URL, had a MIME Type of application/octet-stream which Next.js did not recognize as a valid image format. Ideally, it should have been something like image/png

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