What is the reason for CSS to be included in the installation process when running npm install with [someLibraryName

After executing the following command:

npm install vue-material

I noticed that it installed and replaced some of the css styles in my application, leading to conflicts. To resolve this issue, I had to manually search for the specific piece of css and override it within the respective vue component's section.

Is there a way to prevent such conflicts when installing NPM packages?

Technologies used:

  • vue.js
  • webpack
  • material-vue

Answer №1

After some searching, I finally found the information I needed. Huge thanks to @ljubadr for your assistance!

In the recommended Getting Started Vue Material guide, it mentions that you can:

import 'vue-material/dist/vue-material.min.css'

However, if you only require a single component, you can use this snippet for a specific CSS style on a particular Vue component:

import 'vue-material/dist/Components/MdCard/index.css'

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