Adjusting the position of an element when the width of its parent div shifts

Struggling with the challenge of absolute and relative positioning in CSS. My GUI allows users to view folders and select how many columns they appear in, as shown in the images provided. Beneath each folder is an input field for renaming and a clear button.

The issue arises when the width of the columns changes, causing the absolute positioning of the clear button to misalign. See examples here: Picture 1 - correctly positioned; Picture 2 - misaligned button.

<div ng-class="colStyle" ng-repeat="folder in getFolders(currentFolder)">                               
    <input type="image" ng-src="{{folder.img}}" ng-click="enter(folder)"/>                              
    <div ng-show="showFont && editing" class="testing">
        <input type="text" ng-model=""/>                                     
        <img class="clearName" src="img/clear.png" ng-click='clearName($index, folder)'/>                               

My HTML code uses "colStyle" from to define the number of columns displayed. Relevant CSS classes are "testing" and "clearName":

    position: relative;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    position: absolute;
    left : 80%;
    top: 5px;

The problem lies in setting the absolute position of the clear button based on column changes. How can I ensure it remains consistent regardless of the number of columns chosen?

Answer №1

Why not start styling from the right of the input field?

Imagine you want to position the clear button 5px from the right side, you can achieve this with the following CSS:

 position: absolute;
 right: 5px;
 top: 5px;

This method assumes that the input box spans the full width of the outer div.

The use of percentages in this case is dynamic because it adjusts based on the width of the outer div (100px => 80% => 20px and 200px => 80% => 40px).

If you don't want to make the input field span the width of the outer div (.testing), you can reverse the approach by making the outer div (.testing) match the width of the input field.

To do this, you can apply the following CSS:

.testing {
  display: table;
  margin: auto;

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