Footer remains fixed to the bottom of the page even when there is not enough content to

It seems like there are already many discussions on this topic, so I apologize if this is a duplicate. I searched for it but couldn't find anything similar.

I am currently working on an angular application using the Ionic framework for testing purposes. My goal is to create a footer that always stays at the bottom of the page, but for some reason, it isn't working as expected.

This is what I am experiencing (the orange bar should be the footer):

I have tried implementing a solution similar to Ryanfait's stickyfooter.

Here is my CSS:

* {
    margin: 0;
html, body {
    height: 100%;
.page-wrap {
    min-height: 100%;
    /* equal to footer height */
    margin-bottom: -150px; 
.page-wrap:after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    height: 150px;

#mainView #footer {
    height: 150px;
    background: orange;

And here is my HTML:

<div class="page-wrap">
    <div id="logo-ionic">
        <img src="img/ionic.png" />

<div id="footer">
    <!-- Footer content blablabla -->

I prefer not to use a javascript solution for this issue.

Thank you! (:

Answer №1

If you have a need for Ionic, why not consider using the


Check out this link for more information.

Answer №2

Various CSS strategies have been developed to address the following objectives:

The layout should feature a fluid center with fixed-width sidebars. The main content column (center) should be prioritized in the HTML structure. All columns must maintain equal height, regardless of varying content lengths. Minimal markup should be required for implementation. The footer should remain anchored at the bottom of the page, even when there is limited content.

For more information, visit

Alternate Solutions: Check out these resources

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