Modifying the overflow behavior within a Vuetify dialog

Is there a way to have a floating action button positioned on the top right of a dialog, slightly overflowing so it's offset from the dialog itself? I'm struggling to override the 'overflow-y: hidden' property set by v-dialog.

<v-dialog max-width="450">
  <div style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">
    <v-btn fab absolute top right>

I've attempted using styles with !important:

.show-overflow {
  overflow: visible !important;

I also tried directly styling with 'style="overflow: visible"' in the element.

When I manually remove 'overflow: hidden' from v-dialog using Chrome DevTools, I achieve the desired result. However, I haven't found a permanent solution yet.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

Answer №1

After some exploration, I discovered the solution to this issue. Utilizing Vue's deep CSS selector proved to be the most effective method.

All that was required was to implement it within the styling of my component:

<style scoped>
  >>> .v-dialog {
    overflow-y: visible;

The '>>> ' played a crucial role in deeply overriding the style of the .v-dialog class. By utilizing it within a scoped style, it ensured that it wouldn't interfere with other instances of v-dialog.

Answer №2

simply utilize the content-class property

  :content-class="check && 'overflow-visible'"

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