Conceal the browser scrollbars

When I have two DIVs on my webpage that are larger than a browser window, it results in a horizontal scrollbar being displayed.

How can I hide this browser scrollbar for the first DIV while still showing it for the second one?

For example, if I have two divs with widths of 200px and 300px, I want to hide the horizontal scrollbar if my browser width is between 201-299px. (e.g. 250px)

Is there a way to prevent scrolling in the browser window when the width is between 201-299px?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, you can enclose both <div> elements within a parent <div> with a specified minimum width:

div.parent {
  min-width: 350px;

div.child1 {
  width: 280px;

<div class="parent">
  <div class="child1>
  <div class="child2>

This will result in scrollbars appearing for the parent div while keeping the content divs free of them. Does this solution meet your requirements?

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