Using VML for background images in Outlook using HAML: A step-by-step guide

I am currently working on formatting an email digest using HAML and tables. My goal is to set a background-image to a table-cell in the email, but I've come to realize that Outlook requires VML in order to display a background-image correctly.

After some research, I came across the following code:

<!--[if gte mso 9]>
   <v:rect style="width:540px;height:150px;" strokecolor="none">
     <v:fill type="tile" color="#363636" src="" /></v:fill>
   <v:shape id="NameHere" style="position:absolute;width:540px;height:150px;">

However, I'm unsure of how to implement this in HAML or if it's even possible. Could someone offer guidance on this issue?

Answer №1

When using Haml, it is possible to include element names with colons (:). This means you can stick to the standard Haml syntax:

/[if gte mso 9]
  %v:rect(style = "width:540px;height:150px;" strokecolor="none")
    %v:fill(type="tile" color="#363636" src="")
  %v:shape(id="NameHere" style="position:absolute;width:540px;height:150px;")

the above code will generate:

<!--[if gte mso 9]>
  <v:rect strokecolor='none' style='width:540px;height:150px;'>
    <v:fill color='#363636' src='' type='tile'></v:fill>
  <v:shape id='NameHere' style='position:absolute;width:540px;height:150px;'></v:shape>

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