Tips for Implementing Multi-Level/Nested in Ajax Requests

I am currently developing a user-friendly web application with intuitive multi-level options that loads new content without the need to refresh the entire page.

This is how my structure looks:


Within schools.html, you will find detailed information about different schools organized into separate div id sections. The same goes for colleges.html.

Upon selecting the schools option from the menu on the left-hand side, it should display the options available in schools.html, such as "Search by State" and clicking on it.

I have explored various pre-made options but I am still unsure if it is the most efficient way to achieve my goals. My main focus is on CSS and ensuring that this application remains lightweight.

Answer №1

My preferred method is sending only data through my ajax call in json format. The client, utilizing javascript/jQuery and CSS, then updates the page using a solid MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.

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