What should I designate as the selector when customizing dialog boxes?

I am attempting to change the title bar color of a dialog box in CSS, but I am running into issues. Below is the HTML code for the dialog box and the corresponding CSS.

     <div id="picture1Dialog" title = "Title">
     <p id="picture1Text"></p>        

     background-color: #f00;

Answer №1

      background-color: #f00;

For more information on the Styles rules of your element, right click and use the inspect element tool. It would be helpful to have a clearer understanding of what this code represents:


Visit this link for an example

Answer №2

The selector you are using expects the ui-dialog-titlebar class to be directly added to the pictureDialog element. However, the dialog is actually contained within a wrapping DIV that surrounds your pictureDialog DIV, with the title bar existing as another div within this structure.

One solution is to specify the class of the dialog when creating it, and then utilize that class in your CSS styling:

    dialogClass: 'custom-picture-dialog',

Subsequently, your CSS can target this specific class for styling purposes:

.custom-picture-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar {
    background-color: #f00;

Answer №3

Is there a reason why the ui-dialog-titlebar selector is not being utilized?

    background-color: #f00;

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