Creating a collapsible accordion feature with jQuery using a specific HTML layout: wanna learn how?

I am looking to create an accordion effect with the structure provided below. The goal is to have the corresponding article toggle when clicking on .booklist>li>a, allowing only one article to be open at a time. Can someone assist me with writing this script? Jquery implementation is encouraged.




<ul class="booklist">
         <a>Article Name 1</a>
              <img class="left" src="myimage"/>
              <p>more content</p>
         <a>Article Name 2</a>
              <img class="left" src="myimage"/>
              <p>more content</p>
         <a>Article Name 3</a>
              <img class="left" src="myimage"/>
              <p>more content</p>

Answer №1

Check out this code snippet for toggling articles on click:


View Updated Demo

Answer №2

It seems like I found the solution you were seeking:

$(".booklist li").click(function(){

Check out the JSFIDDLE link for a live demo!

Answer №3

All you need to do is implement the code snippet below

$("button").on('click', function(){


Answer №4


    <ul class="booklist">
        <li> <a href="#">Article Name 1</a>

                        <img class="left" src="myimage" />
                        <p>more content</p>
        <li> <a href="#">Article Name 2</a>

                        <img class="left" src="myimage" />
                        <p>more content</p>
        <li> <a href="#">Article Name 3</a>

                        <img class="left" src="myimage" />
                        <p>more content</p>


ul, li, h4, p {
li {
.booklist li a {
    cursor: pointer;
.booklist li article {
    display: none;


$(document).ready(function ($) {
    $('.booklist').find('a').click(function () {

        //Expand or collapse this panel

        //Hide the other panels
        $(".booklist li article").not($(this).next()).slideUp('slow');


Fiddle Demo

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