Text fields do not show a cursor icon

On the website http://www.legrandclub.net, there are two text fields. Everything works fine in all web browsers except for Internet Explorer. When I click on one of the text fields, the cursor is not displayed, although it is possible to write text. What could be causing this issue?

Thank you

Answer №1

The input field is utilizing the same gray color for its background as the cursor.

Answer №2

The problem with compatibility in earlier versions of Internet Explorer (before version 9) occurred when I applied padding to the left side of my input fields. I resolved this issue by including the following style rule:

input { padding-right:3px;}

This adjustment, which matched the existing 3px left padding, successfully repositioned the cursor for improved visibility.

Answer №3

To enhance the appearance, include padding-left:2px in the text field's style.

Answer №4

Dealing with a similar issue led me to discover the root cause: To prevent the cursor from appearing on tab focus in IE, you must handle the 'focus' event on the text field and also bind 'focusin'. See the sample code below:

$('search-large').bind('focus focusin', function () {

I hope this information proves useful...

Answer №5

I managed to fix the issue by eliminating


from the CSS styling.

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