Tips for adjusting the width of <p:panelGrid>

My <p:panelGrid> looks like this:

<p:panelGrid style="width: 50px">
        <p:column colspan="2">

Despite trying to set the width of the panel grid to 50px using CSS with the width property, it didn't become 50px wide as expected.

Is there a proper way to adjust the width of the panel grid to 50px?

Answer №1

When working with the <p:inputTextarea> and the <p:panelGrid>, it is important to ensure that the widths are properly set to avoid any display issues.

To address the issue of the <p:inputTextarea> being wider than the <p:panelGrid>, you can adjust the width of the <p:inputTextarea> using CSS properties.

<p:inputTextarea style="width: 50px;" />

(please note that margins may impact the final width, so some fine-tuning may be required)

In addition, remember that it is best practice to separate CSS styles into their own .css file for better organization.

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