Customizing Body Color in CKEditor for Dynamic Designs

I am facing an issue with CKEditor that I am hoping to find a solution for. My scenario involves using a jQuery color picker to set the background color of a DIV element, which is then edited by the user in CKEditor. However, I have observed that it is not straightforward to automatically apply the background color of the div element to CKEditor when it loads.

I have explored options like bodyClass and bodyId, but they don't seem to address my specific challenge. Instead of having a class assigned to the element, I have an inline style declaration like

<div class="tp-header" style="background-color:#CCCCCC;">content</div>

My CKEditor invocation looks like this:

var editorId = 'editor1';
var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[editorId];
var color = $('.' + headerElementClass).css('background-color');
if (instance) { CKEDITOR.remove(instance); }
$('#' + editorId).ckeditor({ toolbar: 'BasicHtml', height: '100px', width: '500px', fullPage: false, bodyClass : 'background-color:' + color });
$('#' + editorId).val($('.' + headerElementClass).html());

As you can see, the attempt to use bodyClass has not been successful. Is there any other method to achieve this? I have searched extensively for solutions online but haven't come across one yet. Hopefully, someone here can provide some insights.

Answer №1

After some consideration, I have devised a simpler solution.
Since I am not using the CKEditor jQuery adapter, you may need to make adjustments based on your specific requirements.

I conducted tests using the standard JavaScript integration method.

Here is a brief summary:
Set the necessary variables.
Instantiate the editor.

Add this "addCss" function call:

CKEDITOR.instances[editorId].addCss( 'body { background-color: '+color+'; }' );

That's essentially all there is to it. Below is a sample implementation tailored to your code:

// Include the "id" attribute:
<div id="editor1" class="tp-header" style="background-color:#CCCCCC;">content</div>

// Define the variables, including "headerElementClass".
var headerElementClass = "tp-header";
var color = $('.' + headerElementClass).css('background-color');
var editorId = 'editor1';

// Initialize the instance.
var instanceOne = CKEDITOR.replace( editorId,
  toolbar: 'Basic',
  height: '100px',
  width: '500px',
  fullPage: false,
  customConfig : 'yourCustomConfigFileIfUsed.js'

// Add the "addCss" function call:
instanceOne.addCss( 'body { background-color: '+color+'; }' );

If preferred, the addCss function call can be moved to your configuration file (place it outside the editorConfig function).

Best regards, Joe

Instead of opting for a more complex approach, others might find these concepts beneficial.

You could utilize ( bodyClass: 'nameOfClass' ) and assign a value to the background-color property of that class. However, this becomes challenging with a dynamic background color.

To dynamically assign the background color, consider the following extension of your existing code using jQuery:

var editorId = 'editor1';
var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[editorId];
var color = $('.' + headerElementClass).css('background-color');

// Create a unique body id for this instance "editor1" ( bodyIdForEditor1 )
var idForBody = 'bodyIdFor' + editorId;

if (instance) { CKEDITOR.remove(instance); }

// Use bodyId instead of the original bodyClass assignment
$('#' + editorId).ckeditor({ 
  toolbar: 'BasicHtml', 
  height: '100px', 
  width: '500px', 
  fullPage: false, 
  bodyId : idForBody 

$('#' + editorId).val($('.' + headerElementClass).html());

// Set the background color to the body after both document and editor instance are ready

// Trigger the document ready event

  // Wait for the instanceReady event to fire for this (editor1) instance
  CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.on( 'instanceReady', 
    function( instanceReadyEventObj )
      var currentEditorInstance = instanceReadyEventObj.editor;
      var iframeDoc=null;

      // Utility function to streamline repetitive steps
      function setIframeBackground()
        $("#cke_contents_editor1 iframe").attr("id", "cke_contents_iframe_editor1");
          function(){ iframeDoc=this.contentWindow.document;}

        $('#' + idForBody, iframeDoc).css("background-color", color);

      // Call the function upon initial loading of the editor instance

      // Reapply the color when switching back from "source" view mode which destroys the iframe
      currentEditorInstance.on( 'mode', function()
        if(currentEditorInstance.mode == 'wysiwyg')

Best regards, Joe

Answer №2

An excellent suggestion from codewaggle is to apply inline styles directly to the editor's <body> element using:


Alternatively, you can use:


Keep in mind that you will need to reapply these styles every time after calling editor.setData() and switching between wysiwyg and source modes, as these actions recreate the editor iframe. To streamline this process, create a function like setEditorStyle, ensuring that editor.mode==='wysiwyg' before applying any styles (as editor.document would be null otherwise). Then, attach this function as an event listener for the instanceReady and mode events, and perhaps also the contentDom event if you call setData() without manually triggering it afterwards.

For more insights, refer to other relevant answers on StackOverflow here and here

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