Changing the designated materialUI class

Within the project, I am utilizing this theme:

export const theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiListItem: {
      root: {
        '&:nth-child(odd)': {
          backgroundColor: colors.greyLight,

I aim to override it in my styles.ts file as follows:

export const useStyles = makeStyles(({ spacing, breakpoints, palette, zIndex }: Theme) => ({
  MuiListItem: {
    root: {
      '&:nth-child(odd)': {
        backgroundColor: 'none',

I have also attempted these approaches:

'& MuiListItem': {
  root: {
    '&:nth-child(odd)': {
      backgroundColor: 'none',

And these variations as well:

'.MuiListItem-root': {
  '&:nth-child(odd)': {
    backgroundColor: 'red',
'& .MuiListItem-root': {
  '&:nth-child(odd)': {
    backgroundColor: 'red',
'&.MuiListItem-root': {
  '&:nth-child(odd)': {
    backgroundColor: 'red',

Despite trying multiple methods, none seem to be working. Any insights on where I might be going wrong?

Answer №1

makeStyles is a helpful tool that alters class names to avoid clashes with existing ones. This can cause your custom styles to be overridden by the default classes, such as MuiListItem-root-123. If this is happening to you, consider using !important in your CSS declarations. Another option is to follow this pattern for overriding classes:

const useStyles = makeStyles(() => {
  listItemRoot: {
    backgroundColor: 'blue'

function Main() {
  const classes = useStyles()
  return <ListItem classes={{ root: classes.listItemRoot }} />

Answer №2

After attending a different class that I didn't think was important, I finally found the best solution:

mobileListItem: {
  '&:nth-child(odd)': {
    backgroundColor: 'inherit',
  cursor: 'pointer',

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