Font on the internet that does not have the specific Germanic di

Just recently I purchased a new font and was excited to use it on my website using web fonts.

However, upon closer inspection, I noticed that the umlauts such as ä, ü, and ö were missing from the font, leaving empty spaces where those characters should be displayed.

Is there a way to avoid this issue? Can I instruct the CSS to use a different font for the missing characters, or would I need to edit the font itself?

Answer №1

When faced with the challenge of dealing with extended ASCII characters in font files, sometimes there is no easy or clean solution aside from remodeling the fonts themselves. Here is a handy JavaScript snippet that can help replace these characters with a <span> element. (You may find yourself asking the same question again if you come across unsupported characters by accident.)

Using JS on sample text:

"Hêllo wörld. ÄÖÜßäöü".replace(/([\x80-\xff])/gi, '<span class="arial">$&</span>')


H<span class="arial">ê</span>llo w<span class="arial">ö</span>rld. <span class="arial">Ä</span><span class="arial">Ö</span><span class="arial">Ü</span><span class="arial">ß</span><span class="arial">ä</span><span class="arial">ö</span><span class="arial">ü</span>

For jQuery:

    this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(/([\x80-\xff])/gi, '<span class="arial">$&</span>')

The elements with the class .webfont should ideally only contain text for this to work seamlessly, though it may also function in other scenarios.

Answer №2

Preventing this issue can be challenging, but changing the font is one solution to consider. Keep in mind that there may be a more comprehensive version of the font available for purchase at a higher price. When selecting a font, ensure that it includes all necessary characters, especially letters needed in your text.

While it is possible to use different fonts for individual letters within a word using techniques like @font-face with range settings, this approach can lead to typographical inconsistencies and should be used sparingly due to limited browser support. Mixing characters like "ü" and "u" from different fonts can result in noticeable mismatches.

Modifying the actual font file using a font editor is technically feasible but typically prohibited unless expressly allowed in the font's license agreement or under copyright exemptions in relevant laws.

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